
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Healing The Feminine Masculine Split...

The Womb [Creative] Center

Carla Fox - Tuesday, June 23, 2014

I have started using a new energetic process on myself that I feel will have some positive and long lasting effects.

It is for women, but there is no reason that men can’t use a modified version on themselves.

For those of you who are familiar with the work of Andrew Bartzis, you probably have heard him speak of the womb chakras of the earth. These are places where new creation can be birthed and are apparently highly coveted by those who would like to create more mischief on the planet.

I recently heard Andrew say that the female body also has a womb chakra in the area of her physical womb. It is her personal creative center where new energies can be birthed. ...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Incoming! - Ron Head & The Council...

What In The World Is Going On?

Monday, August 03, 2015

The Council

What in the world is going on?

Is that what you are feeling now? We know that many of you are. 

The more sensitive of you, even some who do not think of yourselves as such, are feeling, either physically, emotionally, or both as if something immense that you just cannot describe is going on. 

Something is different. Are you going nuts? ...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Core Essence: Our Essential Connection...

Carla Fox - Monday, January 12, 2015

In order to be truly autonomous and self referencing beings, we need to routinely go within for direction and guidance instead of looking to external sources of information.

Establishing routine contact with our core essence is essential for this to happen.

What is our core essence? It is the deepest and innermost part of us, and at the same time the brightest, most expansive and purest.

It is who we are outside of time and space and has always existed. It encompasses who we are, who we have always been and who we are becoming.

Since our core essence is infinite, it can sometimes be difficult to relate to from our focus of attention in the physicality of 3rd dimensional earth. 

Here is a simple way to start the process of contacting and eventually embodying your core essence. ...

Freeing The LEF/Luminous Energy Field...

Valley of the Kings
Photo: Hajor, Dec.2002
Carla Fox - February 20, 2013

On Saturday morning December 8th, our group visited the Valley of the Kings. 

This is located on the West Bank of the Nile across from the city of Luxor where the New Kingdom pharaohs were buried. ...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Grounding... [Being Present In The Now]

Carla Fox - Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This post is a follow up to the previous one entitled “Be Here Now.”

In that post I wrote about the various factors that can prevent a person from being present in their now moments, and why it is so important to be present and grounded in the physical body. 

What are some of the benefits of being grounded?

First of all, I equate being grounded with being in the body. 

If one is not grounded into the center of the earth, one cannot be in their body. Plain and simple. ...

# 01: Are Chakras Part Of The Matrix?

The Chakra System - Part 01

Carla Fox - Sunday, February 03, 2013

This is a post that I have been chomping at the bit to write ever since starting the blog.

 This topic is a real button pusher for some, so I wanted to set a good foundation first before writing about the chakras.

If you are reading this, most likely you are familiar with what the human chakra system is. ...

# 02: Can Chakras Be Removed?

The Chakra System - Part 02 - Chakra Removal

Carla Fox - Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Yes, that’s right. Chakra removal. 

I removed my whole chakra system and kundalini patterning on November 14, 2012. 

And yes, I am still alive and well and better than ever.

Part of my mission here on earth is to examine and let go of any structures or programming that would keep me stuck in the 4th dimension upon my final transition.

As I have come to realize, after doing this, that it is just the first step to uncovering the massive amount of matrix programming that we humans are subject to. ...

# 03: Chakra Extras...

The Chakra System - Part 03

Carla Fox - February 8, 2013

I have received some great feedback and questions about the chakra information, and would like to share a bit more.

Just a reminder for all of you to treat yourselves humanely and in a heart centered manner throughout all of the changes that we are undergoing now.

Keep coming back to your core essence

I am so touched because I can feel that energy radiating out from all of you, and I honor you for being willing to step up and go for it!

From what I understand and feel, we are still compressing and will pop out the other side of whatever is happening at some point in the future, so things may get a bit rougher before we are through. ...

Mother Gaia & Father Helios...

Earth And Sun..

Carla Fox - Tuesday, January 06, 2013 

We owe our very existence to the planet we live on. 

She has provided the human race with a platform for their evolution at this very important time in our history. 

I say “she” because our planet is embodied by a female soul. 

The Peruvians call her Pachamama, or Earth Mother. She is our archetype for the divine feminine. All shamanic groups around the world recognize her as their support and sustenance. ...

The Milky Way Galaxy...

Carla Fox - Thursday, January 08, 2013

Just as all planets and stars are conscious beings, so too is our Milky Way Galaxy.

She is the mother who has overseen the birthing of all life that exists within her boundaries. 

Andromeda Galaxy - The Companion

This has taken billions of years, and the life and death cycle of stars and planets continues to this day. 

She was named for the milky look of the cosmic gasses and particles that can be seen at night, but I have also experienced the “mother’s milk” that she has to offer to all.

Her companion galaxy is Andromeda, which is the closest galaxy to ours.

Even though Andromeda is a female name, this galaxy is embodied by a male consciousness. ...

The Serpent Rope...

Carla Fox - Friday, January 19, 2015

There is a stream of energy that comes from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, to and through our Sun, and to the center of our Earth.

Some Mayans call this the Serpent Rope. Apparently, they have been aware of this stream for many hundreds of years.  

The source of this energy is beyond our galaxy and is a consciousness greater than what we can conceive of. Clearly this consciousness has a plan.

What is the reason for the Serpent Rope’s existence? ...

Shamanic Journeying...

Take A Trip 

Carla Fox - Friday, January 11, 2013

In shamanic terms this is called journeying.

All shamanic practitioners know how to do this, as this is the way they receive guidance on behalf of an individual or group.

The aspect of the journeyer that travels out into the cosmic arena is the conscious awareness.

We all have the capacity to be our own shaman, to retrieve answers to our own questions and to travel the cosmos. ...

Cobra: Latest Update...

Galactic Wave Of Love

Sunday, July 26, 2015

In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. 

It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. 

Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy. ...

POOFness, Sunday, July 26, 2015...


Greetings and Salutations:




Amazing Video: Sylphs, Angels & Fairies...

Avoiding Synthetic Matrix Traps...

Organic vs Synthetic

Carla Fox - Wednesday, January 21, 2013

Carla: As our soul essence dropped down through the dimensions to our embodiment here, we passed through the Great Void that separates the 5th dimension from the 4th.

Once on the other side of the void, the timeless unity spherical consciousness that we experienced in the 5th dimension and above shattered into the 4th dimensional patterning of linear time, polarity and duality, black and white, and positive and negative. 

Every action now has an equal and opposite reaction, every light has its shadow, and events move more or less on a linear time line. ...

The Torus - Nature's Form...

Carla Fox - Saturday, July 26, 2014 

Ever since I got back from my sacred site trip to Scotland in mid-May, I have been waking up automatically much earlier than I normally do. 

Sometimes as early as 5:30 AM! I attribute some of this to the early mid-summer sunrises, as I don’t close my bedroom curtains at night.

This past Friday morning was no exception. I had set my alarm clock to get up early enough to get ready for my 8 AM client, but again, found myself waking up much earlier that that. ...

Recognizing 5D Consciousness...

Vidya Frazier - Monday, February 02, 2015

Most of us on a conscious path of Ascension have experienced moments—or even expanded periods of time—of what we might call fifth dimensional consciousness in our daily lives.

These are times in which we have felt ourselves living in a state that is free of all third dimensional concerns, emotions, and limitations.

Profound peace, joy and freedom can fill us, radiating a sense of bliss throughout our entire being.

But for most of us, these experiences eventually seem to fade. And it can be easy to fall into depression or even despair when this happens. We can feel a deep sense of loss and wonder what we did wrong to lose these experiences. ...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Whole Of Planet Earth...

Lightbody Activation Explained & Simplified...

Energy Update: Activating the Light Body - July 2015

Matt Kahn

If your soul is the light of the Universe personified into physical form, then the light body can be understood as the emergence of the soul expressing itself through your senses.

It is more so a shift in consciousness than an object to pursue.

As your light body activates, it signifies a deeper integration of spirit in form.

As this occurs, you become aware of yourself as the Light of the Universe experiencing life as a person, instead of a person trying to figure out how to integrate their spirit or activate a light body. ...

Intense Energies Coming In...

Jack, The Watcher via Jean Rockefeller

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Over the next few months, large pulses of celestial energy will bombard the Earth. 

This will bring much needed and long awaited, Bio mechanical upgrades. 

This is partially due to the eruptions that are occurring around the Earth, Mother Goddess of the Earth most notably (Mount Everest). 

Her release of energy is now allowing access to new and higher levels of understanding and knowledge, which is intended to rock the current belief system to the core. ...

Updated: Sphere Alliance Message # 03...

American Kabuki & Denice

[AK: Some related messages prior to the Sphere Alliance messages.... and some after... basically put this in chronological order...]

On Jun 22, 2015, at 8:25 PM GMT... T.C. wrote (via American Kabuki):

Good Afternoon Denice,

Like you I just received confirmation from your blog on earth plan.

I just read your blog (refering to American Kabuki) and when I saw your pictures my jaw dropped. ...

The Heartbeat of Source...

Incoming Wave Of Energy - Sphere Alliance Update

Denise - July-August 2015

SA: Hello dear one; it is with joy and love that we say to you well done.

This is not an easy task for you and your hesitation is well noted.

There is so much that we must convey however, and there is little “time” for prepare humanity for what is to come.

Indeed we said to you privately that the “wave” is scheduled by our calculations to arrive at the end of your July and the early August. ...

Another Sphere Alliance Message...

American Kabuki - Sunday, June 21st 2015

AK's Interpretation of the Flag
Denise: I sense humor.

SA: Yes you do. we are happy and joyful at your request. 

We have contacted you before. More than a decade ago. Do you recall?

We are messengers not angels. You have heard and written our words to you. ...

Sphere Alliance: Source Codes Are Set...

Giant Sphere Heading For The Sun
Denice - Saturday, June 20, 2015

American Kabuki: This came from a woman in the USA who for the last year has remarkably accurate dreams about of some of the work we were doing, as well as events occurring around the world.

And for that reason I post this...

The first part is her dream, followed up by, for lack of a better word... a confirmation channeling... purportedly from the Sphere Alliance... something she's never sent me before. ...

August 2015 Astro Update: Carl Boudreau...

A Progressive Tipping Point


Changes too numerous to track continue percolating through our lives.

That includes a neverending series of personal challenges, many of them personally transformative if not life altering.

Increasingly, though, even the most difficult aspects are softened by a bracelet of semi-sextiles, sextiles and trines extending from Leo to Aries. ...