This post is a follow up to the previous one entitled “Be Here Now.”
In that post I wrote about the various factors that can prevent a person from being present in their now moments, and why it is so important to be present and grounded in the physical body.
What are some of the benefits of being grounded?
First of all, I equate being grounded with being in the body.
If one is not grounded into the center of the earth, one cannot be in their body. Plain and simple. ...
Everyone should have a grounding cord that goes from the tailbone all the way down to anchor into the earth core, or as we shamanic practitioners say, into the “heart of the Pachamama.”
Or as George Kavassilas says, into the heart of “Big Mama.”
We are all children of the earth this time around, no matter where we originally came from. Our bodies are made up of the elements of the earth, and the earth sustains us.
This is a given, even if we feel that our allegiance lies with another star system or off planet race.
If one is not grounded, any positive energetic changes that one makes are only temporary. By grounding in these changes, the cellular memory of the body gets it and the changes made are longer lasting.
Grounding also enables each one of us to dump our energetic toxins into the earth, thus keeping our energy fields clean, clear and moving. If this dumping is not done, full body conditions can result such as arthritis, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, depression or chronic anger.
This is a given, even if we feel that our allegiance lies with another star system or off planet race.
If one is not grounded, any positive energetic changes that one makes are only temporary. By grounding in these changes, the cellular memory of the body gets it and the changes made are longer lasting.
Grounding also enables each one of us to dump our energetic toxins into the earth, thus keeping our energy fields clean, clear and moving. If this dumping is not done, full body conditions can result such as arthritis, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, depression or chronic anger.
We build up energetic toxins every day from medications, toxic emotions, drugs (prescription or illegal), alcohol, sugar, gluten, and even allergens such as pet dander! All of this needs to flow down to the earth core for combustion so that we can remain healthy.
If one is not occupying their body, they are more open to invasion of all sorts, from negative energy sent to you by another person to parasites or the deer tick that causes Lyme’s Disease.
If one is not occupying their body, they are more open to invasion of all sorts, from negative energy sent to you by another person to parasites or the deer tick that causes Lyme’s Disease.
I always say that when the house is empty, the bums move in. We do not want any of these bums living in our houses!
Simple Grounding Technique
Below is the grounding exercise that I teach in the Quantum Sphere Healing workshop and have also written about in my book “Traversing the Infinite Now.”
It is best to do this exercise standing up at first so as to orient your spine vertically in relation to the Earth. Then after you get used to doing it this way, you can sit or lay down while grounding.
Energetically reach up above you to a place 6 to 12 feet over your head. You will find a golden globe of energy there about the size of a basketball. This is your personal source which is outside of time and space. It’s the place where you draw in higher dimensional energy from your eternal self.
Bring a stream of your golden source energy straight down towards your head. Remember that this energy is infinite, so you cannot ever drain that golden globe.
Simple Grounding Technique
Below is the grounding exercise that I teach in the Quantum Sphere Healing workshop and have also written about in my book “Traversing the Infinite Now.”
It is best to do this exercise standing up at first so as to orient your spine vertically in relation to the Earth. Then after you get used to doing it this way, you can sit or lay down while grounding.
Energetically reach up above you to a place 6 to 12 feet over your head. You will find a golden globe of energy there about the size of a basketball. This is your personal source which is outside of time and space. It’s the place where you draw in higher dimensional energy from your eternal self.
Bring a stream of your golden source energy straight down towards your head. Remember that this energy is infinite, so you cannot ever drain that golden globe.
Open the top of your head as if it is a large funnel. As the stream of energy approaches, allow the golden energy to flow into your head and down inside the rest of your body, filling up every nook and cranny from the top down.
Pay special attention to the areas that do not seem to be filling up very well and spend extra time in those places if need be.
Take your time here. Work this golden energy down through the body, filling up your arms and legs, too. Open the bottoms of your feet to allow the golden energy to drain out.
Take your time here. Work this golden energy down through the body, filling up your arms and legs, too. Open the bottoms of your feet to allow the golden energy to drain out.
Also note that you will have a third stream coming out of your tail bone and flowing between your legs to the earth’s surface.
At this point, the stream of golden light coming from your tail bone and the ones coming out of the bottoms of your feet will merge as they touch the earth’s surface. Your job is to make sure that you connect this now single stream of golden energy into the very heart of the earth.
At this point, the stream of golden light coming from your tail bone and the ones coming out of the bottoms of your feet will merge as they touch the earth’s surface. Your job is to make sure that you connect this now single stream of golden energy into the very heart of the earth.
Anchor it there in any way you wish, and hold that sensation for at least a minute. This will allow your cellular memory to be imprinted with the feeling of being totally connected to the planet.
Do this exercise upon waking in the morning, before going to bed, and any other time during the day if you are feeling disconnected, overwhelmed or spacey.
Do this exercise upon waking in the morning, before going to bed, and any other time during the day if you are feeling disconnected, overwhelmed or spacey.
I do find that because of the accelerating energetic pace of the world, people are having a lot of difficulty with their grounding nowadays. If you are one of these, all I can say is stick with it. Pay attention. Send some gratitude and appreciation down to the Pachamama while you are at it!
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